How to make your off-time really count!!!

How do you make the most of a day off?

We often find cranking to meet a deadline is easier than true relaxation, but one benefit to this wild quarantine world is more time for reflection.

Grazing Minds blog

With a good work ethic, we make, execute, coordinate, manage, fulfill, and get things done.A solid rest ethic gifts us inspiration, ideas, and recovery. It allows us to build up our enthusiasm and sustain our passion.

In 2020, in the wake of COVID-19, a lot of people have found themselves with more free time on their hands than ever before, and many have realized the need for a solid rest ethic: Rest is not simply a result of free time. It is a skill that needs to be learned. It is something that—just like a meeting at work—needs to be scheduled and protected. And not all rest is created equal.

Your unlimited PTO policy is useless if you don't empower people to actually take time off.

  • Normalize not demanding a reason for why people need time off.
  • Normalize people prioritizing their families.
  • Normalize people prioritizing their mental health.
  • Normalize people prioritizing life.

That's the crux.

Building up "rest ethic" is just as important as a work ethic for an organization - which the top brass needs to understand, acknowledge and act upon. The following ways help detach yourself from work and get those creative juices going:

  • Losing yourself in a passion project like crafting or cooking
  • Tour your neighbourhood with a visitor's mindset.
  • Switch your phone off.

Sometimes doing nothing, can be worth more than doing a lot of things and be more productive.

Try it off sometimes!!!!

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